Flexible, Wireless Extension


Application Description

The advantage of the Safety Simplifier lies in its ability to collect, process, and safely shut down inputs and outputs in a decentralized manner, which is fully utilized in combination with Safety Integrated. The Safety Simplifier flexibly collects signals from light curtains, control units, and safety switches. Simple actuators, such as drives, can be directly shut down. Drives or robots that must be shut down via a safe bus can be controlled through the already existing Safety Integrated safety controller.

The Safety Simplifier transfers up to 14 individual safety functions according to PLd or 7 individual safety functions according to PLe to the higher-level safety controller. For robotic applications, typically only 2 to 4 safety functions are required. Status information is sent to the standard PLC via two to four non-safe inputs and outputs, along with the free software gateway. The entire safety logic can be programmed and executed in the Safety Simplifier. The safety program in the Safety Integrated controller is minimized to the essentials.

Controller with Safety Integrated

Simplified Wiring Example: Transfer of Safe and Non-Safe Signals from a Controller with Safety Integrated.


 control with Safety Integrated


 control with Safety Integrated

Advantages in the application

  • Cabinet-free decentralized inputs and outputs
  • Minimized wiring effort thanks to wireless communication
  • Flexibility in system planning
  • Easy expansion with various safety systems
  • High diagnostics


Safety Simplifier

Find more information about the Safety Simplifier

Safety Simplifier Product Overview