OSSD means "Output Switching Signal Device"


Safety Sensor SAFIX and XCONN Passive Distributor


This output type is commonly used with safety sensors, safety light curtains, or for safe control outputs. Conventional 24 V DC outputs are actually crucial for safety functions because they cannot be detected by an external 24 V line via a short circuit. To adress this, the two OSSD outputs are switched off with a time delay. During the pause, a built-in input is activated and read back.

If 24 V is still present at the input after the output has been switched off, an error is detected and the two built-in processors safely switch off both outputs. This technology simplifies the monitoring of short circuits and cross circuits, achieving up to PLe compliance according to EN ISO 13849-1. With an advanced LED diagnostic system, as seen in the HOLDX R process guard locking devices or the SAFIX RFID safety sensors, faults on the safety sensor can be quickly identified, making troubleshooting significantly easier.


Time course of input and output functions

Safety Sensor SAFIX





Safety Sensor SAFIX

Safety Sensor SAFIX

Process Guard Locking Device with RFID - HOLDX R

Process Guard Lock with RFID - HOLDX R