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Wireless Simplifier: Safety Solutions for Injection Molding Systems
The Safety Simplifier offers a simplified plug & play safety solution with an integrated EUROMAP 67, 73, or 78 interface. It significantly facilitates the integration and expansion of the safety concept. Safety Simplifiers communicate securely via wireless or CAN communication (PLe), and safety switches only need to be connected. This greatly reduces the planning and wiring effort.
1 | Use of EUROMAP interfaces on injection molding machines
2 | EUROMAP – An overview of the interfaces
3 | EUROMAP 78
4 | EUROMAP 78 with Safety Simplifier
5 | EUROMAP 78.1 with Safety Simplifier
6 | EUROMAP 73
7 | EUROMAP 73 with Safety Simplifier
8 | EUROMAP 67
9 | EUROMAP 67 with Safety Simplifier
10 | Safety interlinking made simple
11 | Safely interlink complex injection molding systems
Injection molding machines have high safety requirements. Performance level PLe and tamper-proof door monitoring are basic prerequisites for the safety concept. Injection molding machine manufacturers often use standardized interfaces to integrate their safety systems.
The EUROMAP 73 was historically regulated by DIN EN ISO 201:2009. This standard requires three safety switches per protective door, which ensure tamper-proofing through plausibility checks. The newer EUROMAP 78, on the other hand, requires intrinsically safe OSSD signals (Output Switching Signal Device) and a highly coded safety switch according to DIN EN ISO 14119.
The integration of EUROMAP interfaces makes it easier for integrators and operators to implement safety requirements in less complex applications. However, in many safety applications, users quickly reach the limits of the available interfaces and require additional safety controls. This leads to more wiring effort and higher costs.
SSP offers a simplified plug & play safety solution with the wireless Safety Simplifier, featuring an integrated EUROMAP 67, 73, or 78 interface. The wireless Safety Simplifier significantly eases the integration and expansion of the safety concept. It communicates securely via wireless or CAN communication (PLe), and safety switches only need to be connected. This greatly reduces the planning and wiring effort.
Example of an injection molding machine with a portal robot
Often, the doors of the injection molding machine are closed when using a portal robot, and the portal robot takes the parts from above the injection molding machine. The doors on the safety fence only affect the portal robot, so an EUROMAP 73/78 is usually not required in this example.
Interface for integrating an external safety device (modern safety switch with highly coded actuator and OSSD signal)
Interface for integrating a safety device with 3 safety switches per door
Interface for integrating, for example, industrial and portal robots, units, and additional machine modules
EUROMAP 78 defines the connection between an injection molding machine and an external safety device. It requires a two-channel safe signal (OSSD) according to the specified performance level, which can be provided by a safety switch and/or a safety control system. The safety signals on pins a7 and b7 of the EUROMAP 78 may only be enabled once the safety device is closed, held, and acknowledged. At each EUROMAP 78 interface, only one safety switch/emergency stop button can be directly connected. If additional protective doors are required, another interface must be requested from the injection molding machine manufacturer, or an additional safety control system in an external control cabinet will take over the merging of multiple protective doors onto a single EUROMAP 78 interface.
Difficulties that arise with an EUROMAP 78 interface:
Safety switches, process holds, or RFID sensors can be easily connected to a wireless Safety Simplifier via an M12 connector. This is mounted directly on the safety door. Thanks to secure wireless or CAN communication, up to 15 safety doors can be connected to a EUROMAP 78 interface through the Safety Simplifier.
The connection of the EUROMAP Safety Simplifier is made via a fixed cable with a Harting connector directly to the injection molding machine. Safety functions such as emergency stop, door request, or reset are implemented directly in the Safety Simplifier and can be configured in the Simplifier Manager software without programming knowledge.
Thanks to pre-configured function blocks and required programs, programming the safety control is quick and easy. The safe OSSD outputs are only released once all doors are closed, held, and acknowledged.
Connection of the Safety Simplifier EUROMAP 78
Example of the Safety Simplifier EUROMAP 78 implementation
Through secure wireless or CAN communication, up to 15 safety door systems can communicate with an injection molding machine.
Annex F2 of DIN EN ISO 20430:2020 describes a double reset or acknowledgment process called "Pre-Reset". This function is required whenever full-body access to the mold area of the injection molding machine is possible and additional protective measures for detecting people, such as laser scanners or safe radar sensors, cannot be implemented.
In a pre-reset function, multiple reset buttons can be used to monitor all non-visible areas during the reset process. Based on the risk assessment, a logical sequence is defined in which individuals in the danger zone must be detected and identified. The pre-reset procedure for detecting individuals is also described in the robot standard DIN EN ISO 10218-2:2012-06 under section
See the illustration below for a pre-reset solution for full-body access to the mold area.
EUROMAP 73 requires three safety switches per protective door. A plausibility check during the opening and closing of the door is used to verify any manipulation of the safety functions.
At a EUROMAP 73 interface, only one safety door with three safety switches can be connected. If additional access points to a system are required, additional EUROMAP 73 interfaces must be provided by the injection molding machine manufacturer, or a safety control system is installed in a control cabinet.
When a safety control system is used, the safety function of multiple doors is connected to the injection molding machine via contact extension in the control cabinet (3 closers and 3 openers).
The planning of new automations with older injection molding machines with a EUROMAP 73 interface presents significant challenges for many end customers and integrators. Modern safety switches and additional safety doors can only be integrated with difficulty.
Difficulties that arise with a EUROMAP 73 interface:
A wireless Safety Simplifier on an injection molding machine with an integrated EUROMAP 73 interface is a simple and flexible solution. Up to 15 external doors and control units can be connected and integrated wirelessly with the injection molding machine. This means no additional control cabinet or safety control system in the cabinet, and significantly less wiring effort.
Existing doors with 3 safety switches or doors with modern, highly coded RFID actuators can be individually networked with a wireless Safety Simplifier with EUROMAP 73 interface.
The wireless Safety Simplifier is not only the ideal solution for large systems, but often the most economical solution starting from the first door, as separate evaluation in the control cabinet is not required. Safety functions, material transport, foot protection using safety laser scanners, safety light curtains, switching mats, or pre-reset buttons can be easily integrated.
The wireless Safety Simplifier helps bring older injection molding machines up to the latest safety standards and significantly simplifies the integration.
Connection of the Safety Simplifier EUROMAP 73
Example of the Safety Simplifier EUROMAP 73 implementation
The connections on an injection molding machine for units and additional machine modules are clearly defined. The integration of a robot, for example, for part removal, is defined and described via EUROMAP 67.
Use of EUROMAP Interfaces on Robots and Auxiliary Equipment
Information of the interface is divided into
Difficulties arising from a EUROMAP 76 interface:
EUROMAP 67 Safety Functions Between Injection Molding Machines and Industrial Robots
The integration of a EUROMAP 67 interface with the wireless Safety Simplifier simplifies the implementation of complex systems. For the safety concept, it is essential that an emergency stop linking is implemented between all injection molding machines in the application. The wireless Safety Simplifier allows up to 15 injection molding machines or machine components to be linked with just one EUROMAP 67 interface. A wireless Safety Simplifier is mounted on each injection molding machine, and the emergency stop functions are programmed via software using drag-and-drop of the pre-configured function blocks.
Example of the Safety Simplifier EUROMAP 76 Implementation
Wireless Safety, an aluminum safety fence, emergency stop button, and a safety door lock provide a coherent safety concept for the automation of an injection molding system. The system consists of an injection molding machine, two robots, and two conveyor belts for feeding and removal. From a safety perspective, the greatest challenge was the safety linking of machines and robots from various manufacturers. Thanks to the plug & play solution of the Safety Simplifier, safety is now brought exactly where it is needed.
Additional safety control cabinets were no longer needed, as the system communicates securely within a safe network. When an injection molding machine is linked, the emergency stop buttons must also be linked due to regulatory requirements, as in the event of an emergency, all machines and robots must stop by activating a single emergency stop. The relay outputs of all used Safety Simplifiers switch together or individually, depending on the application, to safely stop the injection molding machine. The power supply (10-30 VDC) can also be easily separated from the power supply of the injection molding machine.
In this way, individual machines in a linked injection molding system can be shut down without triggering an emergency stop for all machines. This simplifies the installation of emergency stop solutions, as no additional evaluation unit is required for the control. The key advantage of this solution: significant savings in wiring. With the help of the wireless Safety Simplifier, many meters of cable material can be saved.
The complex system of an injection molding machine for the injection of bushings and connectors included several additional system components that needed to be linked. To ensure the safety of all components and to utilize the EUROMAP 78 interface for connecting to the injection molding machine, the Safety Simplifier with an EUROMAP 78 interface was used. The safety solution linked the system components and included the protection of machines, robots, system components, and safety doors. An aluminum safety fence from Safety System Products was used as the separating protective device.
Additionally, safety switches such as tGard and HOLDX R with RFID sensors were installed on the safety doors. Safety functions like emergency stop, door request, or reset are directly implemented in the Safety Simplifier and could be configured without the need for programming knowledge. The safety linkage made the project implementation significantly easier compared to the usual approach, where additional EUROMAP interfaces would need to be attached to the injection molding machine, or a control cabinet with a safety controller would have to be built and wired for overall machine safety.
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