Switch off safely the linked plant




Application of the Safety Simplifier for linked systems

With its wireless mesh network, the Safety Simplifier is the ideal solution for linked plants.


Benefits gained from using and applying the Wireless Safety Simplifier

  • Easy expandability with the Simplifier, thanks to the elimination of cables
  • Safe and wireless communication between gantry robots and processing machines
  • Short, step-by-step commissioning of the safety system on the construction site



Automated processing machines often have a complex safety system, the emergency stop buttons switch off the entire plant. Material loading and unloading is provided with safety light grids, with or without muting. Safety switches with guard locking secure the service doors of the plant. Areas that can be stepped behind are unlocked with a pre-reset button.

Thanks to the innovative Safety Simplifier, the planning, extension and commissioning of safety technology can be significantly reduced. 
The safe and wireless interface between the processing machines, safe sensor system and main control cabinet, together with the high availability of the mesh network, is the perfect solution for the linked plants.



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